I just want to be able to express myself

I have nothing to post!!!!!

Well, I know I had to post something today. But, I am blank. I don’t want to post a photo. Why? I don’ know. I have nothing to complaint about. I really don’t have anything to say. I do have a lot going on in my life right now. But, I don’t really want to talk about it right now.

I’m not sad or depressed. I’m not mad. I’m just kind of quiet inside. I have been so busy lately. But, this is good. I’ve been pretty creative making copper jewelry, T-shirt, greeting card, painting signs. I really want to work on my wood work. But, I haven’t had time. Tomorrow I will be weeding the yard. It’s suppose to be hot tomorrow. I should have weeded the yard when it was a little cool a few days ago.

I promised myself to go to sleep early today. It is 10:40pm right now. Is this late? Well, I better hurry and finish writing nothing because I have nothing to say. haha

If I haven’t answered your comments, sorry. I will soon. I was thinking of starting a weekly challenge for Mondays. I’ve been using the A-Z archives for my Monday post. I guess this is a little cheating.

But, now it’s Tuesday and I’m blank. If I start a challenge will you join? What kind of challenge should it be? Another photo challenge? No. A question an answer challenge? Probably not I’ll probably get too deep.

If you have any ideas let me know. Not like I have a whole lot of time on my hands. Kind of sounds overwhelming.

I think I’m rambling now. I thought I said, “I have nothing to post”

There talking about Converse high tops right now on TV. I have black one’s and a plaid style converse high tops. Oops, I got off somewhere else. My desk is so messy. But, I know where everything is, I think.

Can you believe I have 4 camcorder? I can’t. They start off this big black thing to this small blue one. I guess smaller is better. Well, there I go again rambling on.

I hope everyone is have a great week. For not having anything to say there is a lot of words on this page. Take care everyone. I need to get to bed. TMI?

17 Responses to “I have nothing to post!!!!!”

  1. Ha ha, I know how you feel!

  2. I have nothing to say!!!!

  3. LOL! Now that is because you haven’t been to my blog yet. Go and get yourself a Wobbly Fish Award. It’s good for the “wobblyness” and funny feelings..hehehehe. Yeah, I know the feeling. Too much going on inside…brain working overtime, thinking too much.. go get that award and have fun! hehehehehe
    Sleep tight and big hugs for you! 🙂
    PS: What is converse high tops? Too lazy to google now. LOL!

    • Converse high tops are shoes. Glad to make you laugh. Thanks for the hugs again. My brain feels better. Take care.

      • Aaaaah, now I see what they are. Google helped with the picture part! LOL! They’re awesome! We call them “tekkies” here. hehehehe.
        Glad to hear your brain feels better. 🙂
        Take care too! 🙂

  4. It happens to everyone! just relax! 😀

  5. I do like this type of ramblin’ lots of words but saying not a lot. very clever I might say. 😉

  6. A lot of interesting words for somebody who has nothing to say…

  7. Having a lot busy life and being ‘quiet inside’ sounds like contentment. I would enjoy having nothing to say if that was the situation, as well 🙂

  8. New time you have nothing to post, let me know and I’ll let you have one of my topics. I have about 500 of them ready to go. lol

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